Trump Administration "Peace Plans"
When I saw this post regarding the Trump Administration's "Peace Plans" show up on my Facebook memories, I couldn't help but think, "Wow, 5 years on and this is still a relevant topic. Think of what this world has seen in these 5 years."
Have a look at my words on the topic from January 29, 2020:
"I am beginning to read the Trump Administration "Peace Plan" and I have to say it will create some interesting reactions. It is clear this is not written like a political solution. Though politics are clearly at play here, this is a business solution, that they hope will lead to a political one.
It calls out hamas as terrorists, finally, and it also puts the opposition in the place of being on the outside looking in. They, in essence, would be left behind assuming all other parties get the ball rolling.
What they cannot see is the problem for which they cannot plan, i.e. the spiritual side of the conflict. Not the religious one, but rather the ideological one which is not of this world. There are far too many who hate Israel, because they hate Jews. They hate Jews, because it is the never ending war against God and His people. That's not to say this latest attempt isn't serious. I would say it is more serious than anything that has ever been attempted to this day.
Now, for those thinking this is a start of the Seal Judgments of Revelation 6, I don't believe that for a minute. I don't think Trump, or anyone in his sphere, is Antichrist material. But I will go as far as to say when that guy shows up, and unveils a plan, in my opinion, it may look very much like this. He may even be the guy who carries this one over the finish line, ultimately."
Have a look at my words on the topic from January 29, 2020:
"I am beginning to read the Trump Administration "Peace Plan" and I have to say it will create some interesting reactions. It is clear this is not written like a political solution. Though politics are clearly at play here, this is a business solution, that they hope will lead to a political one.
It calls out hamas as terrorists, finally, and it also puts the opposition in the place of being on the outside looking in. They, in essence, would be left behind assuming all other parties get the ball rolling.
What they cannot see is the problem for which they cannot plan, i.e. the spiritual side of the conflict. Not the religious one, but rather the ideological one which is not of this world. There are far too many who hate Israel, because they hate Jews. They hate Jews, because it is the never ending war against God and His people. That's not to say this latest attempt isn't serious. I would say it is more serious than anything that has ever been attempted to this day.
Now, for those thinking this is a start of the Seal Judgments of Revelation 6, I don't believe that for a minute. I don't think Trump, or anyone in his sphere, is Antichrist material. But I will go as far as to say when that guy shows up, and unveils a plan, in my opinion, it may look very much like this. He may even be the guy who carries this one over the finish line, ultimately."
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1 Comment
Thanks for reading that. and giving me your opinion. I did not want to read through that.